Club News 2022

WHO at the Christmas 5 Days
23 WHOs filled in the time between Christmas and New Year competing on challenging terrain on maps west of Lithgow, finishing in the middle of the Blue Mountains at Wentworth Falls.
Day 1 was in native bush on Big Foot's map at Falnash State Forest with a promise of wet feet regardless. Our Club's top performers were Justine de Remy de Courcelles in Women F and Steve Dunlop in Men E. Justine topped the field in 1st place in her division and Steve powered into 3rd in his.
Day 2 was our Club's contribution to the series. Courses were set on the north part of our "Mt Piper Hills" map with a lot more climb than at Falnash. The top WHO orienteers were Justine de Remy de Courcelles (WF) and Steve Dunlp ((ME) both coming 4th in their fields.
Day 3 courses had to be switched to a hastily improvised set of courses on Garingal's "Baal Bone Junction" map. The long wet period had made the originally planned area in the headwaters of the Cox's River inaccessible. The terrain was challenging with long times out on the courses. Three of our team made it into top places. Justine de Remy de Courcelles (WF) and Savanna Sweeney (WC) crossed the line in second positions and Hamilton Kinneally (MG) passed through the finish in 3rd place in his division.
Day 4 courses were set on Garingal's "Gardens of Stone" map at Ben Bullen. Out top runners were Aiden McQuillan third in MG and Savanna Sweeney 5th in WC.
Day 5 was on the homeward run for Sydney siders on a challenging sprint map at the Blue Mountains Grammar School in Wentworth Falls. This was the day of our club's best performances with WHO taking top places in several divisions. We had two 1sts: Justine de Remy de Courcelles Women F and Seth Sweeney Men B. Not far behind in 2nd places were: Savanna and Paul Sweeney (Women C and Men D). Constance Valais (WF) and James McQuillan (MB) crossed the line in 3rd places in their fields and a honorable 4th place in Men G was achieved by young Aiden McQuillan.
From Emmanuelle: Thank you everyone who helped out and contributed to the Mt Piper event for the Xmas 5 days. It was a great day. We had 23 entrants and the largest number of entrants for those 5 days (249). If you are on Facebook, Newcastle Orienteers took some nice pictures.
WHO Cup, Awards presentations and AGM,
Lizard Log, 4 December 2022
Sweeney Savanna ran in 47 events and achieved a point score of 5420. Runners up were Lachlan Coady 29 events with a score of 5415 and Seth Sweeney 34 events and a core of 5400.
Hank van Oost Trophy was award to Dmitry Stukov for his contribution to the development and operation of the Club's IT systems which recently included the setting up of a live-results system for club events.

2022 NSW State League Pointscore Final standings after 17 events - WHO Team rankings
2 Levi Coady 739
4 Aiden McQuillan 341
11 Elliott McQuillan 74
2 Shay Sweeney 808
6 Levi Coady 10
6 Blake Spencer 10
1 Lachlan Coady 900
7 Thomas Spencer 12
6 Will Kay 516
9 Lachlan Coady 66
4 Seth Sweeney 533
4 Selwyn Sweeney 656
10 Seth Sweeney 92
13 Lee Coady 85
17 Andrew Hill 62
18 Vivien de Remy de Courcelles 59
2 Lee Coady 815
3 James McQuillan 723
2 Vivien de Remy de Courcelles 832
5 Dan Smith 246
10 Matt Hackett 43
2 Paul Sweeney 857
5 Dmitry Stukov 139
17 Joshua Braidwood 15
5 Robert Bradley 378
13 Warren Bax 91
18 Tim Perry 47
13 Stephen Dunlop 145
8 Ian Miller 51
9 Barry Pearce 15
7 Ted Mulherin 134
1 Barry Hanlon 896
1 Justine de Remy de Courcelles 900
1 Savanna Sweeney 900
2 Matilda Saunders 169
4 Martine Valais 100
4 Constance Valais 100
2 Nerise McQuillan 407
3 Belinda Kinneally 273
1 Emmanuelle Convert 889
5 Deb Walsham 100
5 Saffron Sweeney 531
6 Helen O'Callaghan 506
7 Karen Langan 324
13 Maureen Fitzpatrick 40
10 Maureen Fitzpatrick 20
1 Janet Morris 900
W Junior B
2 Aurelie Valais 110
3 Jacinta Braidwood 105
W Open B
10 Constance Valais 220
Open Easy
3 Hamilton Kinneally 132
9 George Kinneally 15
11 Aurelie Valais 5
Congratulations Team!

NSW Middle & Long Distance Championships
14 intrepid WHOs trekked to the Orange region to compete in the State Middle and Long Distance events.
Middle Distance
On Saturday 5 November they were challenged by intricate rocky terrain at Noahs Ark Ridge. Ten of our team placed in their events.
Making it into 1st places were Savanna Sweeney W14A , Lee Coady M40A and Barry Hanlon M85A. Taking second positions were Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A, Paul Sweeney M45AS and Janet Morris W80A. We had four runners speeding into the third place slots: Levi Coady M10A, Lachlan Coady M14A, Shay Sweeney M12A and his brother Seth M18A,
Long Distance
The long event on Sunday 6th was held in technically and physically difficult spur-gully native forest at Rocky Falls just north of Mullion Creek. The Club team maintained their top level performance with most placing in their divisions. Lee Coady dropped back but Justine moved up to fill the gap. 1st places were Barry Hanlon M85A, Savanna Sweeney W14A, Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A. WHO seconds were: Lachlan Coady M14A, Seth Sweeney M18A, Paul Sweeney M45AS and Janet Morris W80A. Lee Coady sped into 3rd position in M40A.
Congratulations Team!

Club Juniors achieve National Ranking status
Based on the results of the Australian 3-Days Championship, Australian Championship and the Victorian Middle Championship, Savanna and Shay Sweeny achieved a high points result which made them the only WHO orienteers to be included in the National Non-Elite Class Rankings.
Savanna is listed in 5th place nationally in the W14 class, and Shay is in 4th place in M12.

Club Results from the Victorian Championship Week, 24 September-2 October
Victorian Middle Distance Championships - Daylesford - 24 September
12 club members started. Top placers were: 1st Barry Hanlon M85A; 2nd Seth Sweeney M20A; 3rd Shay Sweeney M12A. Lee Coady achieved 5th place in a field of 15.
Australian Middle Distance Championships - Blackwood - 25 September
There were 12 WHO starters. Best placings were: 1st Barry Hanlon M85A; 4th Shay Sweeney M12A, in a field of 12.
Goldfields 3-Day
Day 1 - Kyneton, 8 club starters.
Selwyn Sweeney took 1st place in a MB field of 40.
Day 2 - Mt Alexander, 6 club starters.
Shay Sweeney came 4th in a M/W Easy field of 33. Saffron Sweeney 7th in a WC field of 42.
Day 3 - Wattle Gully (Chewton), 8 club starters.
Shay Sweeney M/W Easy achieved 7th in a field of 31. Selwyn Sweeney MB came 9th in a field of 42.
Australian Sprint Championships - Sunbury
9 starters in the wHO Team. Best performers were: 4th Shay Sweeney M12A in a field of 16; 7th Lachlan Coady M14A in a field of 26.
Australian Long Distance Championships - Nuggety Range, Maldon
There were 12 in the WHO line up. A very competitive event. The WHO team missed out on all top places, but Levi Coady, Seth Sweeney and Janet Morris placed very well in their fields.

NSW State League #14 Part 1 at Cherrybrook High School, 3 September
Out of 23 WHO starters we achieved 15 placings:
4 firsts: Savanna Sweeney W14A; Janet Morris W80A; James McQuillan M40A; Selwyn Sweeney M20A.
4 seconds: Saffron Sweeney W50A; Lachlan Coady M14A; Lee Coady M40A; Matilda Saunders W14A.
5 thirds: Barry Hanlon M85A; Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A; Shay Sweeney M12A; Paul Sweeney M45AS; Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A.
NSW State League #14 Part 2 at Hills Grammar School, Kenthurst
More WHOs turned up for the afternoon event. Out of 28 starters we had a top club result of 19 placings:
An amazing 10 firsts: Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A; Janet Morris W80A; Belinda Kinneally W40A; Aiden McQuillan M10A; Constance Valais EOD Hard 4; Aurelie Valais W Junior B; Lachlan Coady M14A; Savanna Sweeney W14A; Selwyn Sweeney M20A; James McQuillan M40A.
Our 6 seconds were: Barry Hanlon M85A; Emmanuelle Convert W45A; Matilda Saunders W14A; Lee Coady M40A; Paul Sweeney M45AS; Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A.
And our third placers were: Shay Sweeney M12A; Karen Langan W50A; Levi Coady M10A.
Day 2, 4 September,
NSW SL #15 at Scheyville National Park was cold and damp with occasional drizzle
6 firsts went to: Janet Morris W80A; Constance Valais W21AS; Savanna Sweeney W13-14A; Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A; Hamilton Kinneally Open Easy; Justine de Remy de Courcelles W11-12.
7 second places went to: Belinda Kinneally W40A; Matilda Saunders W13-14A; James McQuillan M40A; Paul Sweeney M45AS; 2nd Barry Hanlon M85A; George Kinneally Open Easy; Lachlan Coady M13-14A.
3rd places were achieved by: Lee Coady M40A; Dmitry Stukov M45AS; Levi Coady M9-10A.
Intrepid WHO adventurers excel at the Bidjigal Nightgane. 16 July
Dan Smith and Lee Coady finished 3rd overall in the 5 hour nightgane and James McQuillan and Silvia Teo made it into 5th place overall in the 3 hour advernturegane.
Category results for the WHO Team:
Cat | Pl | Score | Time | Team |
M | 3 | 2220 | 16:29:06 | Dan Smith, Lee Coady |
MV | 1 | 2220 | 16:29:06 | Dan Smith, Lee Coady |
X | 6 | 1530 | 16:21:37 | David Noble, Sue Hailstone |
XV | 3 | 1530 | 16:21:37 | David Noble, Sue Hailstone |
Cat | Pl | Score | Time | Team |
W | 4 | 880 | 14:49:49 | Emmanuelle Convert, Justine De Remy De Courcelles |
X | 4 | 1220 | 14:59:47 | James Mcquillan, Silvia Teoh |

The "Grafitti Zone"
State League 10 / 11 at Port Macquarie, WHO Team Results
SL10 Mackillop College Sprint, 9 July
3 firsts: James McQuillan M40A; Savanna Sweeney W14A; Lachlan Coady M14A.
5 seconds: Seth SweeneyM18A; Shay SweeneyM12A; Selwyn SweeneyM20A; Paul SweeneyM45AS; Lee CoadyM40A.
4 thirds: Aiden McQuillanM10A; Warren BaxM60A; Saffron SweeneyW50A; Nerise McQuillanW35AS.
SL11 Broken Bargo State Forest. Wauchope, 10 July
1 first: Seth Sweeney M18A.
6 seconds: James McQuillanM40A; Shay SweeneyM12A; Savanna SweeneyW14A; Paul SweeneyM45AS; Lee CoadyM21A; Nerise McQuillanW35AS.
3 thirds: Saffron SweeneyW50A; Selwyn SweeneyM20A; Levi CoadyM12A.

Mackillop College

Broken Bargo

WHO Team Results
SL7 Murraguldrie State Forest, 11 June
5 firsts: Paul Sweeney M45AS; Janet Morris W80A; Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A; Levi Coady M10A; Lee Coady M40A.
3 Seconds: Robert Bradley M55AS; Emmanuelle Convert W45A; Savanna Sweeney W14A.
2 Thirds: Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A; Lachlan Coady M14A.
SL8 2022-06-12 Murraguldrie State Forest
4 firsts: Janet Morris W80A; Barry Hanlon M85A; Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A; Shay Sweeney M12A.
3 Seconds: Savanna Sweeney W14A; Levi Coady M10A; Lee Coady M40A,
2 thirds: Robert Bradley M55AS; Lachlan Coady M14A.
SL9 2022-06-13 Charles Sturt University Wagga Campus
2 Firsts: Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A; Paul Sweeney M45AS.
3 Seconds: Emmanuelle Convert W45A; Lee Coady M40A; Levi Coady M10A; Savanna Sweeney W14A.
QB3 2022 Three Days Overall
1st Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A
2nd Savanna Sweeney W14A
2nd Levi Coady M10A
3rd Lachlan Coady M13A
3rd Emmanuelle Convert W45A
1st Lee Coady M40A
3rd Paul Sweeney M45AS

WHO's Mapping Officer is a finalist in the 2022 NSW Community Sports Awards
Orienteering is represented in the field of finalists by Janet Morris, Western & Hills Mapping Officer. Janet has looked after the Club's mapping needs since the retirement of Bruce Cooper many years ago. In addition she has supported the Sporting Schools mapping program with the cartography and field work for several metropolitan region school maps and also is one of the supporting mappers for the SOS Saturday Series run by Bold Horizons.
“Bold Horizons are delighted to see that Janet has been recognised by Sport NSW for distinguished long service to orienteering. Janet is a regular mapper for Bold Horizons and . . . can always be relied upon for sound advice and a willingness to help out. Her skill and effort to support the sport are very much appreciated! This is very well deserved recognition. Congratulations Janet.”
Sport NSW congratulates all Distinguished Long Service Award recipients and thanks them for their ongoing service and contribution to sport in NSW.
14 May 2022
WHO at Wyangala
Congratulations WHO
We may not have done so well in the competition on Saturday but in terms of assistance, contribution and team work you are all on the winning team.
Thank you everyone for making the trek to Wyangala, assisting and making our State League event a success. Every contribution small and great was much appreciated
There were 189 participants on Saturday and 30 of those were WHO members, the largest number of entrants from any club. It is fantastic to see this level of participation.
I wonder when we last had this many members at an event.
Here is the team photo. WELL DONE
Feedback from an older member
Whilst understanding the assessing of Planners at events I would like to nominate the Organiser of our recent event for special mention. I have been involved in events for over thirty years and since the detailed planning I was exposed to in a 3 Day event many years ago I have never seen anything better until last weekend.
Our Wyangala event was planned, documented and explained so I will not mention "Climb" and "Rocks". We were promised 130,00 mentres of climb and 5 (hundred, thousand ) rocks and this was delivered.
Barry Pearce
15 May 2022
State League #6 Long Distance
at Roseberg State Forest
James Lithgow set challenging courses on our map in the less frequently used southern section of the forest.
Bennelong's Gordon Wilson oversaw the planning and organising as event controller and Jean Baldwin and her Goldseekers' team ensured that everything was set up and ran smoothly.
The WHO Team of intrepid runners repeated their great Saturday results at Wyangala with 15 WHO runners placing in their grades. The weather held off for the early runners but those who started late finished in a cooling late autumn shower.
We achieved 6 firsts: Barry Hanlon M85A, Janet Morris W80A, Belinda Kinneally W40A, Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A, Shay Sweeney M12A, Nerise McQuillan W35AS.
7 Seconds: Aiden McQuillan M10A, Ted Mulherin M80A, Emmanuelle Convert W45A, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A, Savanna Sweeney W14A, Lee Coady M40A, Lachlan Coady M14A.
2 Thirds: James McQuillan M40A, Levi Coady M10A.
14 May 2022
State League #5 Middle Distance at Wyangala
With a club team of 30 plus planners, organisers and vetters we had the biggest club turnout so far this year. Quite an achievement for a location remote from our membership base. Feedback from runners was excellent. Credit goes to Course Planner Rebecca George (Big Foot), Controller Sheralee Bailey (Bennelong) and Organiser Karen Langan and team of helpers too numerous to mention. A great job well done team!
Two thirds of our team placed in their divisions. Quite remarkable.
WHO had 9 firsts: James McQuillan M40A, Barry Hanlon M85A, George Kinneally Open Very Easy, Jacinta Braidwood W Junior B, Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A, Aiden McQuillan M10A, Savanna Sweeney W14A, Emmanuelle Convert W45A, Elliott McQuillan M/W10N.
6 Seconds: Hamilton Kinneally Open Easy, Nerise McQuillan W35AS,
Lachlan Coady M14A, Lee Coady M40A, Ted Mulherin M80A, Paul Sweeney M45AS.
5 Third places: Belinda Kinneally W40A, Shay Sweeney M12A, Will Kay M16A,
Levi Coady M10A, Robert Bradley M55AS.
16-19 April 2022
Easter, Kingaroy, Queensland
The 610 entries included top of the league NOL orienteers. A very competitive field for our small WHO Team to face but, nevertheless we achieved some top results overall.
Savanna Sweeney showed top performance in her class with a second in a large field (W14A). Janet Morris also 2nd (W80A). James McQuillan powered into 3rd place in a the very competitive M40A field. Elliott McQuillan demonstrated his potential with 6th place in the MW10- Novice group. Other achievers were Nerise McQuillan 6th in her class (W35AS), Seth Sweeney 6th in M18A, Aiden McQuillan 8th in MW10-Novice, Karen Langan 12th in W50A, Paul Sweeney 11th overall in the big M45AS field, and Saffron Sweeney 14th in W50A. Shay Sweeney also showed good potential but was knocked out of the overall points score with a mispunch on day 2.

Grass trees en route

Grass tree near a control

Coomba Falls reserve

Coomba Falls
10 April 2022
State League #4,
Pine Tree, Long Distance
Struggling in the long grass slowed some of us down on day two on the Northern Tablelands map but the club team still achieved five first places (Barry Hanlon M85A, Janet Morris W80A, Emmanuelle Convert W45A, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A, Will Kay M16A).
Lachlan Coady M14A , Levi Coady M10A, Lee Coady M40A and Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A flew in at second place in their classes.
9 April 2022
State League #3,
Kooringle, Middle Distance
Your club team of 11 intrepid orienteers braved the bush in the Northern Tablelands event at Kooringle west of Armidale to take six first places (Barry Hanlon M85A, Vivien de Remy de Courselles M45A, Emmanuelle Convert W45A, Janet Morris W80A, Lachlan Coady M14A, Lee Cody M40A). Justine de Remy de Courcelles came a close second in W12A and Will Kay M16A and Levi Coady M10A made third place in their classes.
19 March 2022
The WHO team took 5 firsts in the NSW Sprint Champs at Ourimbah Campus.
Th event also counted as State League #1.
The club fronted a team of 18 in almost ideal conditions. Occasional light drizzle and wet grassed area didn't seem to slow anyone down.
WHO firsts were: James McQuillan M40A, Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A, Lachlan Coady M14A, Deb Walsham W45AS, Janet Morris W80A. In second place were Lee Coady M40A, Will Kay M16A and Barry Hanlon M85A. Third places in their divisions were: Levi Coady M10A, Stephen Dunlop M70A,
Constance Valais WOpenB, Emmanuelle Convert 2nd W45A, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles M45A,
Karen Langan W50A.

20 March 2022
NSW State League #2 - Richmond Vale
Was it the end of the Big Wet?
Ideal weather conditions for the club team of 19 resulted in 6 first places in a broad range of classes from W12A to M85A.
Club firsts were: Janet Morris W80A; Barry Hanlon M85A; Martine Valais W18A; Emmanuelle Convert W45A; Justine de Remy de Courcelles W12A; and Lachlan Coady M14A. In second place was: James McQuillan M40A and third places were gained by: Levi Coady M10A, Lee Coady M40A and Nerise McQuillan W35AS.
Congratulations team.
Sydney Sprint Series Final - 13 March 2022
From our President and Event Organiser
WHO Members - Thank you for contributing to the success of the sprint event at Balcombe Heights last Sunday evening. The event went well and we even had a "walk in" who completed the short course.
Lachie Coady set the courses. His first time setting. His courses were deceptive, confusing some experienced orienteers. Lachie had a busy day as Sunday was also his cricket final which his team won and he did a shift on the computer learning to watch out for negative times (the clock went back 12 hours).
One of the great things of belonging to WHO is the spirit of volunteering that was once again in evidence last Sunday. We invariably have more volunteers than tasks which means that things get done quickly and efficiently. For example packing up was quickly completed and we had the gear back to Steve Dunlop before dark.
When we opened the start on Sunday, Dan Smith and I looked back at a large group of WHO members gathered around the registration tent chatting. It was a great reminder of how social our club is. Please continue this way.
There were contributions from too many for me to name for fear of missing someone.
Thank you for your assistance - Ian Miller / James McQuillan
You can see the results here,
The Balcombe Heights Estate, previously the William Thompson Masonic School, is one of the most historic locations in the Hills. Read a brief history of the school at: Balcombe Heights Estate (Masonic Oval).html

John Curtin Reserve
16 January
John Curtin Reserve, Winston Hills -
our first event for 2022.
Novice setters Anthony and Matilda Saunders, mentored by president James, set stunning courses in the challenging bush along Quarry Branch Creek.
We had over sixty competitors (56 entries including families) all of whom enjoyed meeting the challenges that Anthony and Matilda had in store for them.
Martin Mansfield dropped a flier, with an exciting description of the coming event, into local letterboxes. As a result we had more first timers turning up to experience map-navigation as a sport.
We need more club members to take up the challenge of setting courses. Have a go! Check it out with Anthony and Matilda. They will tell you it's a lot of fun and not as difficult as you may think.