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Western & Hills Orienteers

We love map running


Navigation on the run for every family

Summer orienteering based in western Sydney parks
offers a wider range of courses to suit all in the family.

 There is a medium line course (up to 4k) with minimal street crossings, a longer line course (up to 6k) with minimal streets and a score course option. 
  (Line course controls are visited in a set order. Score course controls can be visited in any order). 

There will be a VERY EASY short course (up to 2km) suitable for younger children.

 Run by yourself or in a group. 

More complete details for each event will be found on EVENTOR. 

2024-25 PROGRAM

December 8 - Bungaribee Park. Organised by Western & Hills Orienteers.
Combined with the WHO Cup (the event is open for all but Cup entries are WHO members only).
January 12 - Winston Hills. Organised by Garingal Orienteers
January 19 - Darling Mills. Organised by Western & Hills Orienteers.
February 02 - Lake Parramatta. Organised by Bennelong Northside Orienteers.
Enter through Eventor which will have more detailed information about each event

Entry Fees

Short Long and Score Course fees

Club Members: Seniors $15; Juniors $10, Family Max. $40, (SI stick hire +$4).
Non Members: Seniors $20; Juniors $15, Family Max. $55, (includes stick hire).
Groups: Two more competing together $20 (includes one SI stick hire and two maps)
Scout Groups of two to four: each scout $5, max. $15, (includes one SI stick hire and a map for each scout).

Reductions for Families:

If a family is competing as a group they are charged the group entry fee. If all family members are entering as individuals then the fourth and subsequent members are not charged a fee.